Building a strong vocabulary is the cornerstone of mastering any language and our Romanian Vocabulary Section is designed to help you express yourself on variety of topics. There is no point in memorising the Grammar if you don't know what things are called so we recommend that your start your Romanian language learning from here. You can also find very specific Romanian words and expressions in the Culture section.
On this page you will find find the basic vocabulary to get started. Our vocabulary lists are carefully curated to cover a wide range of topics, from everyday conversational phrases and travel essentials to specialized terminology for business, nationalities, culture, sports, nature, colors, nature, and more. Check out our complete Romanian course below for the full list of more than most important 15.000 words and over 200 topics which also includes built-in spaced repetition and mnemonic techniques.
The words below are in the singular and are accompanied by their grammatical gender. For now we recommend you focus on reading the words a few times a day so that you can recognise them when you encounter them in a text or conversation. Learning Romanian vocabulary will be slightly easier if you know a Romance language (like Italian or Spanish), even though if they are not related. After that you can learn start the Grammar section where you will find them in use.
Personal Pronouns
I eu
you tu
he el
she ea
we noi
you (to a group) voi
they (masc.) ei
they (fem.) ele
Common Phrases
Hello! (fam.) Salut!
Hello! (form.) Bună ziua!
Good morning! Bună dimineaţa!
Good afternoon! Bună ziua!
Good evening! Bună seara!
to say hello a se saluta
(hello) greeting (n) salut (n)
to greet (vt) a saluta
How are you? Ce mai faci?
What's new? Ce mai e nou?
Bye-Bye! Goodbye! La revedere!
See you soon! Pe curând!
Farewell! (to a friend) Rămâi cu bine!
Farewell (form.) Rămâneţi cu bine!
to say goodbye a-şi lua rămas bun
So long! Pa!
Thank you! Mulţumesc!
Thank you very much! Mulţumesc mult!
You're welcome Cu plăcere
Don't mention it! Pentru puţin
It was nothing Pentru puţin
Excuse me! (fam.) Scuză-mă!
Excuse me! (form.) Scuzaţi-mă!
to excuse (forgive) a scuza
to apologize (vi) a cere scuze
My apologies Cer scuze
I'm sorry! Lertaţi-mă!
to forgive (vt) a ierta
please (adv) vă rog, vă rugăm
Don't forget! Nu uitaţi!
Certainly! Desigur!
Of course not! Desigur ca nu!
Okay! (I agree) Sunt de acord!
That's enough! Ajunge!
Ordinal Numbers
first (adj) primul
second (adj) al doilea
third (adj) al treilea
fourth (adj) al patrulea
6. fifth (adj) al cincilea
sixth (adj) al şaselea
seventh (adj) al şaptelea
eighth (adj) al optulea
ninth (adj) al nouălea
tenth (adj) al zecelea
Most Common Verbs
to accompany (vt) a acompania
to accuse (vt) a învinui
to acknowledge (admit) a recunoaşte
to act (take action) a acţiona
to add (supplement) a adăuga
to address (speak to) a se adresa
to admire (vi) a fi încântat
to advertise (vt) a face reclamă
to advise (vt) a sfătui
to affirm (vt) a susţine
to agree (say yes) a fi de acord
to allow (sb to do sth) a permite
to allude (vi) a face aluzie
to amputate (vt) a amputa
to answer (vi, vt) a răspunde
to apologize (vi) a cere scuze
to appear (come into view) a apărea
to applaud (vi, vt) a aplauda
to appoint (assign) a numi
to approach (come nearer) a se apropia
to arrive (ab. train) a sosi
to ask (~ sb to do sth) a cere
to aspire to … a aspira
to assist (help) a asista
to attack (mil.) a ataca
to attain (objectives) a reuşi
to avenge (vt) a răzbuna
to avoid (danger, task) a evita
to award a decora
to battle (vi) a se lupta
to be (~ on the table) a sta
to be (exist) a fi
to be afraid a se teme
be able to a putea
to be angry (with …) a se supăra
to be at war a lupta
to be based (on …) a se baza pe
to be bored a se plictisi
to be convinced a se convinge
to be enough a ajunge
to be envious a invidia
to be indignant a se indigna
to be interested in … a se interesa
to be lying down a sta culcat
to be needed a fi nevoie
to be perplexed a fi nedumerit
to be preserved a se păstra
to be required a fi necesar
to be surprised a se mira
to be worried a se nelinişti
to beat (hit) a bate
to become (e.g., ~ old) a deveni
to behave (vi) a se comporta
to believe (think) a crede
to belong to … a aparţine
to blind (of flash of light) a orbi
to blow (wind) a sufla
to blush (vi) a se înroşi
to boast (vi) a se lăuda
to borrow (money) a împrumuta
to break a rupe
to breathe (vi) a respira
to bring (sth) a aduce
to burn (paper, logs) a arde
to buy (purchase) a cumpăra
to call (with one's voice) a chema
to calm down (vt) a linişti
to cancel (call off) a anula
to cast off a demara
to catch (e.g., ~ a ball) a prinde
to catch sight (of …) a vedea
to cause a cauza
to change a schimba
to charm (vt) a fermeca
to choose (select) a alege
to chop off (with an ax) a tăia
to clean (from dirt) a curăţa
to clean (tidy) a face ordine
to close (vt) a închide
to comb one's hair a se pieptăna
to come down (the stairs) a coborî
to come in (enter) a intra
to compare (vt) a compara
to compensate (vt) a compensa
to compete (vi) a concura
to compile (~ a list) a alcătui
to complain (vi, vt) a se plânge
to complicate (vt) a complica
to compose (music, etc.) a crea
to compromise (vt) a compromite
to concentrate (vi) a se concentra
to confess (criminal) a mărturisi
to confuse (mix up) a încurca
to congratulate (vt) a felicita
to consult (doctor) a se consulta cu …
to continue (~ to do sth) a continua
to control (vt) a controla
to convince (vt) a convinge
to cooperate (vi) a colabora
to coordinate (vt) a coordona
to correct (an error) a corecta
to cost (vt) a costa
to count (money) a calcula
to count on … a conta pe …
to crack (ceiling, wall) a crăpa
to create (vt) a crea
to cry (weep) a plânge
to cut off (with a knife) a tăia
to dare (~ to do sth) a îndrăzni
to date from … a data
to deceive (vi, vt) a minţi
to decide (~ to do sth) a hotărî
to decorate (tree, street) a decora
to dedicate (book, etc.) a dedica
to defend (a country, etc.) a apăra
to defend oneself a se apăra
to demand (request firmly) a cere
to denounce (vt) a denunţa
to deny (vt) a nega
to depend on … a depinde de …
to deprive (vt) a priva
to deserve (vt) a merita
to design (machine, etc.) a proiecta
to desire (want, wish) a dori
to despise (vt) a dispreţui
to destroy (documents, etc.) a distruge
to differ (from sth) a se deosebi de …
to dig (tunnel, etc.) a săpa
to direct (point the way) a îndrepta spre …
to disappear (vi) a dispărea
to discover a descoperi
to discuss (vt) a discuta
to distribute a răspândi
to disturb (vt) a deranja
to dive (vi) a se cufunda
to divide (math) a împărţi
to do (vt) a face
to do the laundry a spăla
to double (increase) a dubla
to doubt (have doubts) a se îndoi
to draw a conclusion a trage o concluzie
to dream (in sleep) a visa
to drink (vi, vt) a bea
to drive a car a conduce maşina
to drive away a goni
to drop (let fall) a scăpa
to drown (ab. person) a se îneca
to dry (clothes, hair) a usca
to eat (vi, vt) a mânca
to eavesdrop (vi) a trage cu urechea
to emit (smell) a împrăştia
to enter (on the list) a înscrie
to entertain (amuse) a distra
to equip (fit out) a utila
to examine (proposal) a analiza
to exchange (sth) a face schimb
to exclude a exclude
to excuse (forgive) a scuza
to exist (vi) a exista
to expect (anticipate) a aştepta
to expect (foresee) a prevedea
to explain (vt) a explica
to express (vt) a exprima
to extinguish (a fire) a stinge
to fall in love (with…) a se îndrăgosti
to feed (provide food) a hrăni
to fight (against the enemy) a lupta
to fight (vi) a se bate
to fill (glass, bottle) a umple
to find (~ lost items) a găsi
to finish (vt) a termina
to fish (vi) a pescui
to fit (ab. dress, etc.) a plăcea
to flatter (vt) a flata
to fly (bird, plane) a zbura
to follow … (come after) a urma
to forbid (vt) a interzice
to force (compel) a forţa
to forget (vi, vt) a uita
to forgive (pardon) a ierta
to form (constitute) a forma
to get dirty (vi) a se murdări
to get infected (with …) a se contamina
to get irritated a se irita
to get married a se căsători
to get rid of … a scăpa
to get tired a obosi
to get up (arise from bed) a se ridica
to give a bath a face baie
to give a hug, to hug (vt) a îmbrăţişa
to give in (yield to) a ceda
to go (by car, etc.) a merge
to go (on foot) a merge
to go for a swim a se scălda
to go out (for dinner, etc.) a ieşi
to go to bed a se culca
to greet (vt) a saluta
to grow (plants) a cultiva
to guarantee (vt) a garanta
to guess right a ghici
to hand out (distribute) a distribui
to hang (curtains, etc.) a atârna
to have (vt) a avea
to have a try a încerca
to have breakfast a lua micul dejun
to have dinner a cina
to have fun a se veseli
to have lunch a lua prânzul
to head (group, etc.) a conduce
to hear (vt) a auzi
to heat (vt) a încălzi
to help (vt) a ajuta
to hide (vt) a ascunde
to hire (e.g., ~ a boat) a închiria
to hire (staff) a angaja
to hope (vi, vt) a spera
to hunt (for food, sport) a vâna
to hurry (sb) a grăbi
to hurry (vi) a se grăbi
to imagine (to picture) a-şi imagina
to imitate (vt) a imita
to implore (vt) a ruga
to import (vt) a importa
to increase (vi) a se mări
to increase (vt) a mări
to infect (vt) a molipsi
to influence (vt) a influenţa
to inform (~ sb about ...) a anunţa
to inform (vt) a informa
to inherit (vt) a moşteni
to inquire (about …) a afla
to insist (vi, vt) a insista
to inspire (vt) a stimula
to instruct (teach) a da instrucţiuni
to insult (offend) a jigni
to interest (vt) a interesa
to intervene (vi) a interveni
to introduce (present) a face cunoştinţă
to invent a inventa
to invite (vt) a invita
to iron (laundry) a călca
to irritate (annoy) a irita
to isolate (vt) a izola
to join (political party, etc.) a adera
to joke (be kidding) a glumi
to keep (old letters, etc.) a păstra
to keep silent a tăcea
to kill (vt) a omorî
to knock (at the door) a bate
to know (sb) a cunoaşte
to know (sth) a şti
to laugh (vi) a râde
to launch (start up) a porni
to leave (~ for Mexico) a pleca
to leave (spouse) a părăsi
to leave behind (forget) a lăsa
to liberate (city, etc.) a elibera
to lie (tell untruth) a minţi
to light (campfire, etc.) a aprinde
to light up (illuminate) a lumina
to like a plăcea
to limit (vt) a limita
to listen (vi) a asculta
to live (~ in France) a trăi
to live (exist) a exista
to load (gun) a încărca
to load (vehicle) a încărca
to look (I'm just ~ing) a privi
to look for … (search) a căuta
to look like (resemble) a semăna cu
to lose (umbrella, etc.) a pierde
to love (sb) a iubi
to lower (blind, head) a lăsa în jos
to make (~ dinner) a găti
to make a mistake a greşi
to make angry a supăra
to make copies a multiplica
to make easier a uşura
to make the acquaintance a face cunoştinţă
to make use (of …) a se folosi
to manage, to run a conduce
to mark a semnala
to mean (signify) a avea sens
to memorize (vt) a memora
to mention (talk about) a aminti
to miss (school, etc.) a lipsi
to mix (combine, blend) a amesteca
to mock (make fun of) a-şi bate joc
to move (to shift) a mişca
to multiply (math) a înmulţi
must (v aux) a fi dator
to name, to call (vt) a numi
to negotiate (vi) a purta tratative
to note (write down) a însemna
to notice (see) a observa
to obey (vi, vt) a se supune
to object (vi, vt) a contrazice
to observe (see) a observa
to offend (vt) a jigni
to omit a omite
to open (vt) a deschide
to order (in restaurant) a comanda
to order (mil.) a ordona
to organize (concert, party) a organiza
to overestimate (vt) a reevalua
to own (possess) a poseda
to participate (vi) a participa
to pass (go beyond) a trece
to pay (vi, vt) a plăti
to peep, spy on a urmări pe furiş
to penetrate (vt) a pătrunde
to permit (vt) a permite
to pick (flowers) a rupe
to place (put, set) a instala
to plan (~ to do sth) a planifica
to play (actor) a juca
to play (children) a juca
to point (~ the way) a arăta
to pour out (liquid) a turna
to pray (vi, vt) a se ruga
to prefer (vt) a prefera
to prepare (~ a plan) a pregăti
to present (sb to sb) a reprezenta
to preserve (peace, life) a păstra
to progress (move forward) a progresa
to promise (vt) a promite
to pronounce (vt) a pronunţa
to propose (vt) a propune
to protect (e.g., ~ nature) a apăra
to protest (vi) a protesta
to prove (vt) a dovedi
to provoke (vt) a provoca
to pull (~ the rope) a trage
to punish (vt) a pedepsi
to push (~ the door) a împinge
to put away (vt) a ascunde
to put in (insert) a pune
to put in order a pune în ordine
to put, to place a pune
to quote (cite) a cita
to reach (arrive at) a atinge
to read (vi, vt) a citi
to realize (achieve) a realiza
to recall (~ one's name) a-şi aminti
to recognize a recunoaşte
to recommend (vt) a recomanda
to recover (~ from flu) a se vindeca
to redo (do again) a reface
to reduce (speed, etc.) a micşora
to refuse (~ sb) a refuza
to regret (be sorry) a regreta
to reinforce (vt) a consolida
to remember (vt) a ţine minte
to remind of … a aminti
to remove (~ a stain) a scoate
to remove (~ an obstacle) a înlătura
to rent (sth from sb) a închiria
to repair (mend) a repara
to repeat (say again) a repeta
to report (make a report) a raporta
to reserve, to book a rezerva
to restrain (hold back) a reţine
to return (come back) a se întoarce
to risk, to take a risk a risca
to rub off (erase) a şterge
to run (move fast) a alerga
to satisfy (please) a satisface
to save (rescue) a salva
to say (~ thank you) a spune
to scold (vt) a certa
to scratch (with claws) a zgâria
to select (to pick) a lua înapoi
to sell (goods) a vinde
to send (a letter) a trimite
to send back (vt) a expedia destinatarului
to sense (danger) a simţi
to sentence (vt) a condamna
to serve (in restaurant) a servi
to settle (a conflict) a aranja
to shake (vt) a scutura
to shave (vi) a se bărbieri
to shine (vi) a străluci
to shiver (with cold) a tremura
to shoot (vi) a trage
to shout (vi) a striga
to show (to display) a arăta
to shudder (vi) a tresări
to sigh (vi) a ofta
to sign (document) a semna
to signify (mean) a însemna
to simplify (vt) a simplifica
to sin (vi) a păcătui
to sit (be sitting) a şedea
to sit down (vi) a se aşeza
to smash (~ a bug) a strivi
to smell (sniff at) a mirosi
to smile (vi) a zâmbi
to snap (vi, ab. rope) a se rupe
to solve (problem) a rezolva
to sow (seed, crop) a semăna
to spill (liquid) a vărsa
to spit (vi) a scuipa
to stand (toothache, cold) a răbda
to start (begin) a începe
to steal (money, etc.) a fura
to stop (cease) a pune capăt
to stop (for pause, etc.) a se opri
to stop talking a tăcea
to stroke (caress) a mângâia
to study (vt) a studia
to suffer (feel pain) a suferi
to support (cause, idea) a susţine
to suppose (assume) a presupune
to surface (submarine) a suprafaţă
to surprise (amaze) a mira
to suspect (vt) a suspecta
to swim (vi) a înota
to switch on (vt) a conecta
to take (get hold of) a lua
to take a bath a se spăla
to take a rest a se odihni
to take aim (at …) a ţinti
to take away a duce cu sine
to take off (airplane) a decola
to take off (remove) a scoate
to take pictures a fotografia
to talk to … a vorbi cu …
to teach (give lessons) a învăţa pe cineva
to tear off (vt) a smulge
to tell (story, joke) a povesti
to thank (vt) a mulţumi
to think (believe) a crede
to think (vi, vt) a se gândi
to threaten (vt) a ameninţa
to throw (stone) a arunca
to tie a lega
to tire (make tired) a obosi
to touch (one's arm, etc.) a se referi
to tower (over ...) a se înălţa
to train (animals) a dresa
to train (sb) a antrena
to train (vi) a se antrena
to transform (vt) a transforma
to translate (vt) a traduce
to treat (patient, illness) a trata
to trust (vt) a avea încredere
to try (attempt) a se strădui
to turn (~ to the left) a întoarce
to turn away (vi) a se întoarce
to turn off (the light) a stinge
to underestimate (vt) a subaprecia
to underline (vt) a sublinia
to understand (vt) a înţelege
to undertake (vt) a întreprinde
to unite (vt) a uni
to untie (vt) a dezlega
to use (phrase, word) a folosi
to vaccinate (vt) a vaccina
to vote (vi) a vota
to wait (vt) a aştepta
to wake (sb) a deştepta
to want (wish, desire) a vrea
to warn (of the danger) a preveni
to wash (clean) a spăla
to water (plants) a uda
to wave (the hand) a flutura
to weigh (have weight) a cântări
to work (vi) a lucra
to worry (make anxious) a nelinişti
to worry (vi) a se nelinişti
to wrap (parcel, etc.) a împacheta
to wrestle (sport) a lupta
to write (vt) a scrie
to write down a nota
Most Important Adjectives
additional (adj) suplimentar
ancient (~ civilization) antic
artificial (adj) artificial
back, rear (adj) posterior
bad (adj) rău
beautiful (~ palace) minunat
beautiful (person) frumos
big (in size) mare
bitter (taste) amar
blind (sightless) orb
calm, quiet (adj) liniştit
careless (negligent) neglijent
caring (~ father) grijuliu
central (adj) central
cheap (adj) ieftin
cheerful (adj) vesel
children's (adj) pentru copii
civil (~ law) civil
clandestine (secret) ilegal
clean (free from dirt) curat
clear (explanation, etc.) clar
clever (smart) deştept
close (near in space) vecin
closed (adj) închis
cloudless (sky) fără nori
cold (drink, weather) rece
compatible (adj) compatibil
contented (adj) mulţumit
continuous (adj) îndelungat
continuous (incessant) neîntrerupt
convenient (adj) folositor
cool (weather) răcoros
dangerous (adj) periculos
dark (room) întunecat
dead (not alive) mort
dense (fog, smoke) des
different (adj) diferit
difficult (decision) greu
difficult (problem, task) complex
dim, faint (light) şters
dirty (not clean) murdar
distant (in space) îndepărtat
dry (climate, clothing) uscat
easy (not difficult) simplu
empty (glass, room) gol
exact (amount) exact
excellent (adj) excelent
excessive (adj) excesiv
expensive (adj) scump
exterior (adj) exterior
fast (quick) rapid
fatty (food) gras
fertile (land, soil) roditor
flat (e.g., ~ surface) neted
foreign (adj) străin
fragile (china, glass) fragil
free (at no cost) gratis
free (unrestricted) liber
fresh (~ water) nesărat
fresh (e.g., ~ bread) proaspăt
frozen (food) congelat
full (completely filled) plin
good (book, etc.) bun
good (kindhearted) bun
grateful (adj) recunoscător
happy (adj) fericit
hard (not soft) tare
heavy (in weight) greu
hostile (adj) duşmănos
hot (adj) fierbinte
huge (adj) uriaş
humid (adj) umed
hungry (adj) flămând
ill (sick, unwell) bolnav
immobile (adj) imobil
important (adj) important
impossible (adj) imposibil
incomprehensible neclar
indispensable (adj) necesar
inexperienced (adj) lipsit de experienţă
insignificant (adj) neînsemnat
interior (adj) interior
joint (~ decision) comun
last (e.g., ~ week) trecut
last (final) ultimul
left (e.g., ~ side) stâng
legal (legitimate) legal
light (in weight) uşor
limited (adj) limitat
liquid (fluid) lichid
long (e.g., ~ way) lung
loud (voice, etc.) cu voce tare
low (voice) încet
main (principal) principal
meticulous (job) ordonat
mysterious (adj) enigmatic
narrow (street, etc.) îngust
native (of country) natal
nearby apropiat
near-sighted (adj) miop
necessary (adj) necesar
negative (adj) negativ
neighboring (adj) vecin
nervous (adj) nervos
new (adj) nou
next (e.g., ~ week) următor
nice (kind) simpatic
nice (voice) plăcut
normal (adj) normal
not big (adj) nu prea mare
unclear (adj) neclar
obligatory (adj) obligatoriu
old (house) bătrân
open (adj) deschis
opposite (adj) opus
ordinary (usual) obişnuit
original (unusual) original
past (recent) trecut
permanent (adj) stabil
personal (adj) personal
polite (adj) politicos
poor (not rich) sărac
possible (adj) posibil
present (current) prezent
principal (main) fundamental
private (~ jet) personal
probable (adj) probabil
public (open to all) social
punctual (person) punctual
quiet (tranquil) liniştit
rare (adj) rar
raw (uncooked) crud
right (not left) drept
right, correct (adj) corect
ripe (fruit) copt
risky (adj) riscant
sad (depressing) trist
safe (not dangerous) neprimejdios
salty (food) sărat
satisfied (customer) satisfăcut
second hand (adj) la mâna a doua
shallow (water) mărunt
sharp (blade, etc.) ascuţit
short (in length) scurt
significant (notable) considerabil
similar (adj) asemănător
simple (easy) simplu
skinny slab
slim (person) slab
small (in size) mic
smooth (surface) neted
soft (to touch) moale
solid (~ wall) durabil
somber, gloomy (adj) întunecat
sour (flavor, taste) acru
spacious (house, etc.) spaţios
special (adj) special
straight (line, road) drept
strong (person) puternic
stupid (foolish) prost
sunny (day) însorit
superb, perfect (adj) superb
swarthy (adj) negricios
sweet (sugary) dulce
tan (adj) bronzat
tasty (adj) gustos
tender (affectionate) gingaş
the highest (adj) cel mai înalt
the most important cel mai important
the nearest cel mai apropiat
the same, equal (adj) asemenea
thick (e.g., ~ fog) des
thick (wall, slice) gras
tired (exhausted) obosit
tiring (adj) obositor
transparent (adj) transparent
unique (exceptional) unic
various (adj) distinct
warm (moderately hot) cald
wet (e.g., ~ clothes) ud
whole (entire, complete) întreg
wide (e.g., ~ road) larg
young (adj) tânăr
Most Important Adverbs
firstly (adv) în primul rând
secondly (adv) în al doilea rând
thirdly (adv) în al treilea rând
suddenly (adv) deodată
at first (adv) la început
for the first time prima dată
long before … cu mult timp înainte de …
anew (over again) din nou
for good (adv) pentru totdeauna
never (adv) niciodată
again (adv) iarăşi
now (adv) acum
often (adv) des
then (adv) atunci
urgently (quickly) urgent
usually (adv) de obicei
by the way, … apropo
possible (that is ~) posibil
probably (adv) probabil
maybe (adv) poate
besides … în afară de aceasta, …
that's why … de aceea
in spite of … deşi …
thanks to … datorită …
what (pron.) ce
that că
something ceva
anything (something) ceva
nothing nimic
who (pron.) cine
someone cineva
somebody cineva
nobody nimeni
nowhere (a voyage to ~) nicăieri
nobody's al nimănui
somebody's al cuiva
so (I'm ~ glad) aşa
also (as well) de asemenea
too (as well) la fel
Why? De ce?
for some reason nu se ştie de ce
because … pentru că …
for some purpose cine ştie pentru ce
and şi
or sau
but dar
for (e.g., ~ me) pentru
too (~ many people) prea
only (exclusively) numai
exactly (adv) exact
about (more or less) vreo
approximately (adv) aproximativ
almost (adv) aproape
the rest restul
each (adj) fiecare
any (no matter which) oricare
many, much (a lot of) mult
many people mulţi
all (everyone) toţi
in return for … în schimb la …
in exchange (adv) în schimbul
by hand (made) manual
hardly (negative opinion) puţin probabil
probably (adv) probabil
on purpose (adv) intenţionat
by accident (adv) întâmplător
very (adv) foarte
for example (adv) de exemplu
between între
among printre
so much (such a lot) atât
especially (adv) mai ales
color culoare (f)
shade (tint) nuanţă (f)
hue ton (n)
rainbow curcubeu (n)
white (adj) alb
black (adj) negru
gray (adj) sur
green (adj) verde
yellow (adj) galben
red (adj) roşu
blue (adj) albastru închis
light blue (adj) albastru deschis
pink (adj) roz
orange (adj) portocaliu
violet (adj) violet
brown (adj) cafeniu
golden (adj) de culoarea aurului
silvery (adj) argintiu
beige (adj) bej
cream (adj) crem
turquoise (adj) turcoaz
lilac (adj) lila
light (adj) de culoare deschisă
dark (adj) de culoare închisă
bright (adj) aprins
colored (pencils) colorat
color (e.g., ~ film) color
black-and-white (adj) alb-negru
plain (one color) monocrom
multicolored (adj) multicolor
weekend zile (f pl) de odihnă
all day long toată ziua
next day (adv) a doua zi
two days ago cu două zile în urmă
the day before în ajun
daily (adj) zilnic
every day (adv) în fiecare zi
week săptămână (f)
last week (adv) săptămâna trecută
next week (adv) săptămâna viitoare
weekly (adj) săptămânal
every week (adv) în fiecare săptămână
twice a week de două ori pe săptămână
every Tuesday în fiecare marţi
morning dimineaţă (f)
in the morning dimineaţa
noon, midday amiază (f)
in the afternoon după masă
evening seară (f)
in the evening seara
night noapte (f)
at night noaptea
midnight miezul (n) nopţii
second secundă (f)
minute minut (n)
hour oră (f)
half an hour jumătate de oră
quarter of an hour un sfert de oră
fifteen minutes cincisprezece minute
24 hours o zi (f)
sunrise răsărit (n)
dawn zori (m pl)
early morning zori (m pl) de zi
sunset apus (n)
early in the morning dimineaţa devreme
this morning azi dimineaţă
tomorrow morning mâine dimineaţă
this afternoon această dupăamiază
in the afternoon după masă
tomorrow afternoon mâine după-masă
tonight (this evening) astă-seară
tomorrow night mâine seară
at 3 o'clock sharp la ora trei fix
about 4 o'clock în jur de ora patru
by 12 o'clock pe la ora douăsprezece
in 20 minutes peste douăzeci de minute
in an hour peste o oră
on time (adv) la timp
a quarter of … fără un sfert
within an hour în decurs de o oră
every 15 minutes la fiecare cincisprezece minute
round the clock zi şi noapte

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